Saturday, April 23, 2016

Brazilian Preschool Classroom

In the video, World Endeavors: Brazil Volunteers 9: Daycare Center Classroom, it showed a typical preschool classroom that had limited resources. They have a couple of tables, a chalk board, one box of broken toys, and two shelves of arts and crafts. The teachers do the best they can with their lessons plans that they make from scratch. Being in a center like this I can imagine how hard it can be for children to learn at their best potential and for teachers to teach at their best. Watch the video below for a visual viewing.


World Endeavors. (2009, July 28). World Endeavors:Brazil Volunteers 9 Daycare Center Classroom. [Video file]. Retrieved from


  1. Thank you for sharing that video! It was great to have a glimpse into that classroom. It is absolutely a struggle to work with such limited resources. The teachers have to work so hard to make the best of a situation that is not ideal.

  2. Kenya,
    Your video helps shed some light on what educators in less fortunate countries have to work with within their classrooms. I can only imagine how difficult it may be to be as passionate as we are about providing the best learning experiences for our children, but having little to nothing to work with to give them the experiences they deserve. I am sure these teachers are creative and make their resources work for them, but it definitely makes you appreciate the resources we have within the states that we tend to take for granted and often complain about not having enough of.
